


人工智能(AI)的最新发展席卷了世界, giving businesses and the public access to capabilities they could only dream of a few years ago.

但是那些在前线的人是如何看待这些变化的呢? We spoke to current and former digital apprentices to hear how they use the technology and explore the prospect of an AI-powered future.


Most of the apprentices we spoke to see AI as an assistant that enhances what they already do. “我用人工智能来调试我写的代码. 这是一个非常好的方法,既可以节省时间,又可以保持对任务的监督,杰米·卡瓦纳解释道, 牛津郡议会的见解分析师和前数据分析师学徒.

他还使用人工智能来测试想法并提出问题的解决方案. 同时, Jamie admits that the technology isn’t yet capable of delivering a finished piece of work.

Elle尼尔, 英国BPA质量数据科学家和人工智能数据专家学徒, 将人工智能视为辅助驾驶员,补充她自己的能力. “作为一个患有多动症的人,它让我获得了我没有的能力. 例如, 在我理解大段文字的时候,我不得不向别人寻求帮助, 但现在我可以问人工智能了, 所以它给了我一项额外的技能.她同意杰米的观点,并补充说,这项技术还不能为你做所有的事情.

劳伦斯·帕金, 前数字营销学徒, offers his perspective as a marketing manager at BCS: “AI means everyone now has access to their own personal assistant – it can become your SEO expert, 内容编写者, 你的社交媒体经理甚至可以给你写一份很好的营销计划.”

但和其他人一样,他很快就指出了人工智能在工作场所的局限性. "The issue is that many AI tools use the same language model, so the output is pretty similar. 这就是让你成为专业人士的重要之处."


业余时间做人工智能应用开发, Elle对这项技术的变革潜力感到兴奋. “人工智能可以让人们用更少的钱做更多的事情,并加快耗时的工作.“有人工智能在他们身边, 她说, professionals can finally delegate mundane tasks in favour of those that add real value to their organisation. And on a larger scale, companies can use it to revisit unresolved challenges and find new solutions.

但对《全球最大的博彩平台》来说,这种影响远不止个人商业上的成功. “AI allows us to work on more passion projects that can help change the world - something that could never have been fathomed before and might have cost thousands to do is now possible for the average Joe.”

劳伦斯还认识到人工智能有可能彻底改变我们的工作方式. "If generative AI can produce things that are in the exact tone of voice and branding of the company, 你可以写一篇文章, 设计一个广告, 并在一小时内发布到社交媒体上. 然后你就有更多的时间来考虑你的角色的战略方面……现在, 我们大多数人只是在努力跟上我们所需的产出.”


尽管大多数人认为人工智能是一种积极的力量, 他们还指出了高估其能力的灾难性后果.

杰米敦促雇主提出现实的期望, 他解释说:“人工智能还没有掌握基本技能, 而且它不能执行更多的智力任务. 例如, it can’t create groundbreaking bits of code on its own without the input of a skilled data analyst, 编码器, 或者程序员.”

He stresses the need for human intelligence in guiding AI and advocates training staff to embrace it rather than replacing them with the technology. 据杰米说, bodies such as BCS can play a vital role in showing organisations how to adopt AI sustainably and inclusively.

Elle站在Jamie一边,警告不要解雇员工, encouraging organisations to assess the ethical and social implications of AI on their workforce. 尽管如此, she suggests anyone who is displaced by the technology will be able to move into new areas of work such as developing and evaluating AI tools: “AI presents brand new opportunities for businesses, 他们需要人力和专业知识来利用这些优势. 它需要在所有领域都具有相关专业知识的人员, as well as those who are creative and good at communicating – working with AI goes far beyond technical skills.”

莉斯艾略特, BCS的业务系统分析师和前业务分析师学徒, believes AI isn’t yet capable of filling in for most humans: “There are lots of jobs that can’t be replaced by AI as it doesn’t have the power of independent thought or logic.”

她认为,随着时间的推移,人工智能将改变工作的性质, the rate of adoption depends on how comfortable people are using it: “There will be people willing to give it a go and see what it can do, 人们会害怕它.”


作为数字专家, 与我们交谈过的人都深谙快速采用新技术的风险.

Jamie强调了安全处理敏感数据的必要性, and warns against training AI on biased data: “You've got to follow a clear process and be really transparent about how you've trained the model to behave. 如果我们不小心, 人工智能可能使偏见永久化, 当它被用来提高包容性的时候.”

He proposes a balanced approach that embraces the opportunities while laying down some ground rules: “While we shouldn’t be afraid of tech, 我们需要明智地使用它,而不是全速前进, 它需要得到适当的监管.”

Elle recommends training AI to explain its own decisions in order to avoid bias and help businesses operate transparently. She also stresses the need for AI creators to take responsibility for informing users about AI's limitations, 比如在ChatGPT等工具上十大正规博彩网站评级医疗免责声明.

劳伦斯赞同在效率和安全之间取得平衡的必要性, suggesting the introduction of international standards for AI tools as well as strong company policies and training for the organisations that use them. 他列举了迄今为止人工智能所表现出的一些令人担忧的偏见, from facial recognition software that leads police to disproportionately arrest Black people, 到ChatGPT固有的政治偏见. 尽管遇到了挫折,但他乐观地认为,我们可以及时消除这些偏见.


把这些都考虑进去, what’s the best way to help professionals get the best out of AI while swerving its pitfalls? Jamie advocates upskilling the workforce through training that’s tailored to individual needs within different industries and roles.

为世界时装之苑, it’s all about making AI fun and accessible: “Once you start getting AI into people’s hands, ideas emerge and they come up with fantastic ways of hacking it that are specific to their role and the problems they face each day.

“Giving people access is the first step to breaking down barriers to change as it turns an unknown into something everyone can get creative with and excited about.”

莉兹重申了杰米对教育的呼吁, and reminds us of the dangers of AI with a striking metaphor: “What comes out of an AI prompt isn’t necessarily accurate or truthful. 开车时, 你必须对驾驶负责,保持警惕, 人工智能也不例外.”

